
My first writers’ apology

For the first time I am going to make an apology for one of my blog entries. Never before have I allowed myself to post an entry while angered and in the heat of dealing with emotions in my mind. I always allow myself the luxury of hindsight and perspective before I post an entry, but due to my poorly, flu infested, grumpy head earlier this week I wrote out of sheer frustration and I would like to apologise for my little rant about ‘What it is we all want!’

Luckily the flu like symptoms have begun to subside and so too have my thoughts. And now with clearer sinuses and a clearer head I have been able to get some clarification on what it is I actually needed to say. My frustrations came largely from other peoples lives affecting my own. From other peoples indecisions and lack of direction in their own lives which was in effect affecting my own.

And just for the record, I feel I have a pretty good grasp of what it is I want. World peace, good health, love and happiness all top the list, of course! But how I am going to go about achieving all of those aspirations which I hold close to my heart are weighed up whenever I need to make a decision on any great magnitude.

What can I say, I am a planner! Not that any plans actually go according to plan! Call me a control freak! But I do like to have a basic running idea of where I am heading and how I am going to get there. Every decision I make is carefully calculated to get me to where I want to go, to what I want to do or to who I want to be. Which could go a fair way to explaining why those words “I don’t know what it is I want!” being the most off putting words anyone could possibly say to me. Hence my frustrations of late, which I must apologise for.