Sitting here on my terrace overlooking the Tuscan countryside and the olive grove below, I know that there is a world revolving out there without me in it and that I am living an indulgent lifestyle of peace, tranquillity and solitude. Just the way I want it right now. There aren’t too many times in your life when you get to sit and take stock of your life. To be allowed to sit, read and write each day. Time is something I have plenty of here which is what I will miss when it comes time to eventually leave.
I get to sit and observe. I watch the seasons change day by day and the cycle of Mother Nature surrounds my every turn.
It makes me so angry when the first thing people say to me after they hear about my life here at Patrignone is “Don’t you get bored?” as if to say that I am not living if I am living an existence without television, traffic, news, cinema’s, bars and the stresses of daily life.
I live within my own little micro-world here at the Villa. Weeks can pass by without leaving these surroundings and buildings. Some may find that quite peculiar with a feeling as if being within a prison. But to me it is bliss, I am perfectly happy within my own company. I have never needed external sources to keep myself occupied. I have plenty to do here. Reading, writing, photography, cooking, daily siesta’s. What more could I want?