

Do you know what you want?
Have you stopped yourself lately and had the conversation with yourself about what it is you actually want? Thought about what you have and the direction your life is travelling?

“If you answered yes to the above questions, if you’re out there, I would certainly like to meet you? Because you must be the ONLY person on this planet I would have the pleasure of meeting who does!”

How is it that so few of us on this planet actually know what we want? And why is it so damn hard to figure out? Is there an undiscovered gene amongst all humans that takes control over our capabilities of knowing exactly what we want?

And even when we think we know what we want, you can be guaranteed to find yourself right back at square one again, as life throws you a curve ball and successfully scrambles your every thought. Turning you inside out, leaving you feeling, without warning that the world is a new place, which looks different and you are forced to start all over again.

Most of us must be able to say that at stages throughout our lives we have known EXACTLY what we have wanted. But more often than not, most of us would say that we have had times when we have had absolutely NO IDEA what we have wanted! Isn’t that the curse of life! Never exactly knowing ANYTHING!

Just how many external sources bombard our every thought each day; making us question everything we have and don’t have? The list is virtually endless! How are any of us supposed to be strong enough within ourselves to make a clear decision about what we want when we are constantly being given OPTIONS!

If I try to justify it, I could write about how the flaws of the human race give us a scape goat from needing to be perfect at all times. Wouldn’t it be true to say that human beings evolve and change daily, so, of course, what we want should also therefore change and evolve daily? Giving us permission and the right to spend large amounts of our lives having absolutely no idea!

In the end we all have to make a decision. Right? Or is life so convenient that it makes the decisions for us? And we are just merely passengers along for the journey of life, riding its twists and turns as best we can? I am not going to try and delve into the notions of fate here. The true meaning and existence of destiny is hurting my brain just thinking about it. Maybe another time, another chapter. Today I am just perplexed by truly knowing what it is we all want!

I challenge you all to sit and ponder what it is you want…..
And not to merely take the easy route by stating love, world peace, good health and happiness are all you could ever want and ask for! Because filling in those little dots with the intricacies of how you will actually achieve outcomes which may enable you to have love, world peace, good health and happiness are a lot harder than we give them credit for